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Original DNA Articles in Nature Magazine

Original DNA Articles in Nature Magazine

Regular price $9,000.00 USD
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"We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of
deoxyribose nucleic 
acid (D.N.A.). This structure has
novel features which are of 
considerable biological
interest. It has not escaped our notice that the
specific pairing we have postulated immediately
suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material.

These are original articles from Nature Magazine dated April 25, 1953.  They are  not bound, but separate individual pages.   They are all perfect and complete.

Watson, James D.; Crick, Francis. Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids, A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. WITH: Wilkins, M.H.F.; Stokes, A.R.; Wilson, H.R. Molecular Structure of Deoxypentose Nucleic Acids. WITH: Franklin, Rosalind E.; Gosling, R.G.; Molecular Configuration in Sodium Thymonucleate. Offprint from Nature, vol 171, p.737ff, April 25, 1953. 14pp. St. Albans: Fisher, Knight & Co., Ltd, 1953. Original self-wrappers. Fine condition. 

This article is often termed a "pearl" of science because it is brief and contains the answer to a fundamental mystery about living organisms. This mystery was the question of how it is possible that genetic instructions are held inside organisms and how they are passed from generation to generation. The article presents a simple and elegant solution, which surprised many biologists at the time who believed that DNA transmission was going to be more difficult to deduce and understand. The discovery had a major impact on biology, particularly in the field of genetics, enabling later researchers to understand the genetic code."

Not only do we have the original article from Nature,  but we also have the second article from Nature:

Genetical Implications of the Structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (caption title)

What you are buying are the 2 articles by Watson and Crick.  They are original from Nature and are in excellent condition.  

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